Perch Base
Brody Schafer's
Eagle Scout
Court of Honor
Four Perch Base members: Ed Schafer, Jim Denzien, Joe Trotter and Dan Marks, who were all Boy Scouts as youngsters attended
Brody Schafer's Eagle Scout Court of Honor on May 14, 2022 at the Friends Church of Phoenix in Phoenix, AZ. Brody is Ed Schafer's
grandson. Jim Denzien participated in the ceremony, giving Brody a certificate discussing similarities in progressing through the
achievement of Eagle Scout to the qualification in submarines. Jim also discussed how Rear Admiral and Medal of Honor recipient Eugene
"Lucky" Fluckey used Boy Scouts from his crew while skipper of the USS Barb (SS-220) to "sink" a train in Japan
during World War 2. Perch Base members also included Joe Trotter and Dan Marks, who are both Eagle Scouts. Notice that the sentence is
in the present case. Submariners don't say they WERE qualified; they say they ARE qualifed, no matter how many years have passed. Similarly,
Eagle Scouts don't say they WERE Eagles, they say they ARE Eagles, no matter how many years have passed.
Congratulations to both Brody Schafer and Ed Schafer!
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