Perch Base
Scholarship Presentation
Congratulations to the children and grandchildren of Perch Base members who received scholarships during the August 11, 2018 general meeting.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.
There were four applicants for the Perch Base Scholarship awards and the committee decided to give
scholarship money to all four.
Jaid Urness
Cameron Millette
Jacen Millette
Cole Norieka
The Arizona Submarine Veterans Perch Base (Perch Base) believes it is part of our
mission to assist, where possible, the dependent sons, daughters and grandchildren of
our members in pursuit of a post-high school education.
Although most of the kids were already away at school, Chris Urness' daughter, was
present to accept and say thank you for her scholarship.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.
Since Cameron and Jacen Millette were already off to school, they were unable to accept their checks in-person. The Perch Base received notes of Thanks from them. Even though Jaid was present, she also sent a Thank You note: